Ketamine-assisted therapy


Ketamine-Assisted Therapy

Ketamine-Assisted Therapy is a research-supported, holistic modality which can help clients experience more frequent breakthroughs and sustained symptom improvement for a wide variety of mental health challenges.


What is Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP)

KAP is a holistic modality in which ketamine is used as a complement to psychotherapy to help clients experience more frequent breakthroughs and long-lasting improvement in symptoms. Clinical evidence supports the effectiveness of KAP for a wide variety of mental health challenges, including depression, anxiety, OCD, and PTSD. KAP can be done in individual or group sessions and is a beautiful addition to other healing work.


Is Ketamine safe and how does it help?

Ketamine is a legal, safe, and effective medicine. It is a rapidly-acting antidepressant and has mood-enhancing effects, which can begin to take effect within 1-2 hours after treatment and last for up to 2 weeks. With repeated medicine sessions using specific treatment protocols, these effects can last much longer. Ketamine has also been shown to enhance overall neuroplasticity which can produce lasting mood and symptom improvement and can be harnessed to bring about meaningful change and growth. But the real benefit comes from the combination of ketamine and therapy. It is during the integration sessions that the long-lasting changes are realized and implemented.


Steps of KAP

Step 1: Determining eligibility

Once Alisha determines if you are a good potential candidate for this type of therapy, she will refer you to a collaborating Journey Clinical medical provider for a telehealth appointment to determine if you are eligible for KAP. During this appointment, they will go over your medical and mental health history with you and provide education on the treatment. Once the medical provider determines you are eligible for KAP, they will write a prescription for you, and enough oral ketamine for the first two KAP medicine sessions will be sent to your home.

Step 2: Preparation sessions with Alisha

The goal of a preparation session is to learn more about the process, discuss therapeutic goals, explore questions or concerns, and set intentions for the KAP work. Preparation sessions are scheduled just like regular therapy sessions prior to the KAP medicine session. The number of preparation sessions is determined by the Alisha based on the client’s unique needs and treatment plan. Typically 1-3 preparation sessions are needed.

Step 3: Dosing/medicine Session with Alisha

A typical ketamine dosing session lasts between 2-3 hours and can take place either in-person or remotely via telehealth. Typically, the client will be in a comfortable, reclining position wearing an eye mask and listening to calming music. During the session, ketamine is delivered through a sublingual lozenge prescribed by the medical provider. The effects of ketamine, which most clients find pleasant, last for approximately 45-70 minutes depending on the treatment protocol, but this can vary from person to person. Although a KAP dosing session may be largely an internal experience, I am present the entire time to hold space and provide support as needed. Once these effects subside, we’ll spend the remainder of our appointment giving you time to process and discuss your experience, if desired.

Step 4: Integration sessions with Alisha

After every KAP dosing session, the client meets with Alisha for at least one integration therapy session to explore the memories, thoughts, and insights that arose during the dosing session and to prepare for the next dosing session. These sessions are also used to harness this amazing period of brain neuroplasticity to create and reinforce meaningful changes.

Step 5: Follow up with medical provider 

After our first two KAP sessions, if you wish to continue with KAP, the medical provider will schedule a follow up with you to monitor the effects and to prescribe ketamine lozenge refills, as appropriate. The frequency of additional follow ups with the medical provider depends on your unique treatment plan, but a minimum of once per quarter is required.


Is KAP covered by insurance?

Although the medical intake and follow-ups are not directly submitted to insurance, they are eligible for out-of-network reimbursement. And while Alisha does not partner with insurance providers, she can provide superbills for the preparation and integration sessions, and for one hour of the dosing session for possible reimbursement using any out-of-network benefits you may have.


Want to Learn More about KAP?

Yale Medicine- Ketamine & Depression: How it Works – Yale Medicine Explains

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy Patient Stories

Huberman Lab Podcast- Ketamine: Benefits and Risks for Depression, PTSD & Neuroplasticity

With a compassionate and loving approach, I focus on getting to the root cause of your challenges, addressing trauma and attachment wounds, and creating new patterns.

Alisha Kingsley
Marriage & Family Therapist

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(661) 360-6649

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